Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Everything Starts Somewhere

When I was in school, our English teachers taught us that all papers, stories, etc needed an introduction. In an abstract way, I disagree. Who says I need to introduce myself? I am here. Will I vaporize into nothingness if I fail to introduce my thoughts? I doubt it. However, I agree more than I disagree. Everyone deserves to have a heads up about what they are about to encounter. That said, here it is.

Every day, I learn something new. How cliche, right? But, it's true. These little life lessons pop up on a daily basis, and I am going to start recording them (although, probably not daily) and expressing my thoughts on them. My hope is that it will help me and anyone reading me to live a better life in all aspects. Business, finance, love, health, and generally living well. My mom refers to these little life lessons that I pick up from my adventures as "pearls of wisdom."

Since I am using Isis in my title, I think a little introduction is in order for that as well. "Pearls of Wisdom" was taken as a blog name on this site, so I decided to invoke the concept of Isis as the ultimate nurturer, and I am trying to nurture my life and the lives of others. Please don't misconstrue it as a slight against God or anything like that - I just don't have the audacity to claim that my simple quips are coming from God. I'm sure He's more poignant than I will be.

That's it for today. Encouraging ideas and tips on living the good life will follow.

Thanks for reading. Live Pearly.


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